Texas Instruments
23 January
Upcoming Earnings
Market Cap.
TXN Fair Price
Fair Price Index
The fair price of a share represents the true value of the company's share based on its financial condition and performance. Unlike the current market price, which can fluctuate depending on the mood of the market, the fair price provides us with a better understanding of whether the share is truly advantageous.
Overvalued by 84.4%
To display the fair price of a share, you need to be a member of Bulios Black.
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UI! V zadnjem času najbolj obravnavana tema v svetu naložb. V času covida smo imeli noro tehnološko rally. Ko se je pandemija končala, so se inflacija in obrestne mere zvišale in tehnološki mega rally je ugasnil.
Zdaj imamo nov rally!
ChatGPT je vlagateljem pustil občutek razkošja. In nova rally je v polnem zamahu, saj so vse vrste prihodnjih priložnosti za umetno inteligenco...
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